How do I merge companies?
- Determine which company you would like to be the primary record.
- Click on that company.
- In the left panel, click the Actions dropdown menu, then select Merge.
- In the dialog box, click the dropdown menu, then search for and select the record to merge into the primary records
- Once you've selected the secondary record, click Merge.
When should I merge a company with another company?
Any companies that do not have an SAP ID, and aren't a brand new company should be merged with an existing company that does have an SAP ID.
How will I know which companies to address?
Any companies that are listed on the "Companies to Address" dashboard should be addressed. The user should look through each company, review if there is a duplicate that has an SAP ID that the user can merge the company with, and then complete the merge.
When does this need to happen by?
May 31st.
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